My Services

Case Merit

Generally, our first conversation will be about case merit. You’ll provide me with basic information regarding the case and I’ll perform a preliminary review of the medical records.

Medical Records Review

If the case has merit, I do a deeper dive into the medical records during the review process. Chronologies, summaries, and briefs (which also include my professional opinions) are submitted to you. This process is the bulk of what I do. Cases can involve medical records with thousands of pages which need to be read and reviewed with a critical eye.

Witness Preparation for Deposition & Testifying in Court

I will collaborate with you in preparing your witnesses for deposition and/or to testify in court. Since the expected standard of care provided to patients is uniform in specialized areas of health care and medicine, I can work on either side of the case; whether you are defending or prosecuting.


I assist attorney clients in performing research relevant to the case by using my access to several databases, like ProQuest & EBSCO, etc. to search and peruse scholarly articles. This can be accomplished efficiently because of my background and experience in health care.

I also have access to large, professional network of legal nurse consultants whose members live all over the United States. Their experience and expertise are a rich resource for me to tap into when I need to know more while working on cases in different states and jurisdictions.

Professional Legal Nurse Consultant Network

Demonstrative Evidence & Interrogatories

At times, cases require me to identify, secure, and/or prepare demonstrative evidence for deposition, mediation, arbitration, or trial. I collaborate with the attorney(s) and the team and ensure this evidence is ready and available when needed.

I also assist attorneys with formulating questions for deposition as well as answering questions from received interrogatories regarding the case.