What is a legal nurse consultant?

A Legal Nurse Consultant is a registered nursing professional who has completed the needed requirements to assist attorneys and their firms. LNC’s assist attorneys with cases involving medical malpractice/ negligence, personal injury, workers’ compensation, toxic torts, medical product liability, etc., LNC’s bridge the gap between the legal and medical worlds by performing a thorough review of complex medical records using the audit trail, drafting briefs, reviewing cases for merit, as well as preparing clients for depositions and testifying in court.

Why use a legal nurse consultant?

Nursing professionals spend most of their careers in patients’ medical records documenting assessments and care provided. They can review and interpret medical records for attorneys much quicker and more efficiently, than other health care professionals can which makes it more cost effective for everyone involved.

How can I make sure my information and meetings are secure?

Your consultations are done via telecommunication using the HIPAA-compliant, certified program, doxy.me. Contracts are sent via Docusign.

Does it matter if myself and my practice aren’t located in Wisconsin?

Not at all, my certification is nationwide. Wherever you are in the United States, I can help you! My research and professional opinions are based on accepted standards of care, the state statutes, and jurisdiction in which the case is filed.